Nutrition & Health
The North Peel FHT dietitians are health professionals who have a Bachelor's degree specializing in foods and nutrition, as well as a period of practical training in a hospital or community setting. Registered Dietitians are licensed professionals, uniquely trained to advise on diet, food and nutrition in many diverse workplaces, such as health care, industry, government and education.
The dietitian also collaborates with the other members of the patient's health care team to provide the following programs:
Pre-diabetes & Diabetes Education Program
Heart Health
Smoking Cessation
No-cost Weight Loss Program
Patients with the following conditions may benefit from a consultation with the dietitian:
pregnancy with special dietary needs such as vegan, weight management, etc.
gastrointestinal problems such as celiac, Crohns, colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome and diverticulitis
dyslipidemia, high blood pressure
type 2 diabetes
obesity or weight management
malnutrition / underweight
failure to thrive / picky eaters
food allergies/intolerance
queries regarding general healthy eating
hypoglycemia and other conditions suitable for treatment through diet
The Registered Dietitian at North Peel Family Health Team provides individualized nutrition education as well as group education on various health topics.
To register or for more information, please contact the office at 905 459-2181. Please note these services are available free-of-charge for patients rostered with North Peel Family Health Team.