Rights & Responsibilities
At the North Peel Family Health Team we are committed to providing the best primary health care in our community. We believe that our patients and families are partners in the delivery of quality patient care.We make the following commitment to you:
Your Rights
You have the right to:
Receive care that is respectful, non-discriminatory, considerate and timely.
Be an active participant in your care and make choices about your treatment including refusing treatment and be informed of the health risks of your decision.
Complete, up-to-date information about your diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis in terms you can understand in order to participate in decisions regarding your care. This includes being told about any known risks and alternatives.
Ask questions if you do not understand any information given to you.
Expect that all communications and records pertaining to your health care will be shared amongst those within your circle of care, unless otherwise restricted by you.
Know the names and roles of people involved in your care.
Express your concerns and get answers to your questions.
Be told of the fees not covered by OHIP and that you or your family will have to pay
Accessible care
The North Peel Family Health Team (NPFHT) is committed to providing a respectful, welcoming, accessible, and inclusive environment in the provision of services for all employees, patients and visitors. The provision of all goods and services by NPFHT shall follow the principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity.
Your Responsibilities
As a patient of NPFHT, we ask that you:
Treat our Family health team, physicians, other patients, and visitors with consideration and respect.
Be open and honest with us about your health history and health care needs (including your past and current illnesses, allergies, medication regimens and family health history).
Give your health care team the name of the person who will represent you if you cannot make decisions by yourself.
Respect clinic property and act in a safe and responsible way.
Understand and be responsible for all expenses not covered by OHIP.
Notify your health care provider if you can’t keep an appointment.
Tell us about any concerns you have about the safety and / or quality of your care.