Quality Improvement
Every year, we get the opportunity to develop an improvement plan that continues our work of providing quality care to the patients of North Peel Family Health Team.
This year, our plan focuses on what matters to you and your family.
We are aiming to provide our patients with the right care at the right place and time.
Here are our improvement goals for 2023/2024:
Timely and Efficient Transitions:
Percentage of screening eligible patients up-to-date with Papanicolaou (Pap) tests.
Percentage of screening eligible patients up-to-date with a mammogram.
Percentage of screening eligible patients up-to-date with colorectal cancer screening.
Service Excellence:
Percent of patients who stated that when they see the doctor or nurse practitioner, they or someone else in the office (always/often) involve them as much as they want to be in decisions about their care and treatment.
Percentage of patients with a completed Health Equity Questionnaire within the EMR Chart.
Click the LINK to review North Peel Family Health Team’s Quality Improvement Plan for 2023/2024.