What’s New?

  • Dr. Raza is Accepting New Patients

    Dr. Raza will be joining the practice in April 2024.

    Complete the intake form linked below if you are looking for a new family doctor.

    Completed forms can be emailed to: info@npfht.com

  • Dr. Alam is Accepting New Patients

    Dr. Alam has capacity to expand his practice. His focused practice will be open to patients 50+ years old or have diabetes who are currently living in Brampton, Ontario.

    Please complete the New Patient Request Form and email to: info@npfht.com

    Due to limited spots, you will be contacted for an appointment if accepted into the practice.

  • SATURDAY AFTER-HOURS CARE @ 18 Kensington Road

    All patients (registered with one of the North Peel FHT doctors) requiring AFTER-HOURS CARE may be seen at 18 Kensington Rd Suite #301 on Saturdays from 9 am - 11:30 am


    All patients needing to see a doctor may use the WALK-IN at 157 Queen Street East Suite #210 on Saturdays from 9 am - 1:00 pm

  • Online Appointment Booking for Dr. Ali

    Details below

  • Healthcare Options for you and your family

    Where to go for care. The right care in the right place.

  • Ontario Health Teams (OHTs)


    Ontario Health Teams are being introduced to provide a new way of organizing and delivering care that is more connected to patients in their local communities. Under Ontario Health Teams, health care providers (including hospitals, doctors and home and community care providers) will work as one coordinated team – no matter where they provide care.

  • 2024-2025 Your Experience Survey

    We want to hear from you!